1 | Objective | To extend a helping hand by way of a monthly financial assistance to Old Age Persons/Widows/ Deserted Women/ Unmarried Women and Transgender so that they could defray some petty personal expenses without depending on others. |
2 | Amount of assistance | (i) ₹. 2000/- to Widows, Deserted Women, Unmarried Women, Transgender and Old Age people (age from 55 years to 59 years) (ii) ₹. 2500/- to Old Age people age from (60 years to 79 years) (iii) ₹. 3500/- to Old Age people age from (80 years and above) |
3 | Eligibility |
1)Old Age both men and Women above 55 years. 2)Widows above 18 years of age. 3)Deserted Women consecutively deserted for the past seven years. 4)Unmarried Women above 40 years. 5)Transgender above 21 years. |
4 | Certificate to be enclosed |
1)Identification, Income (₹.75,000/-) & Residence Certificate. 2)Attested copy of Birth Certificate or documentary proof of age. 3)Attested copy of Ration Card/Identity Card. 4)Attested copy of Death Certificate of the husband in case of Widow. 5)In the case of deserted Women, Certificate from the M.L.A. and Anganwadi Worker, that the individual has been deserted for seven years consecutively and a sworn affidavit in Appendix I. 6)In case of unmarriedWomen, and a sworn affidavit in Appendix II. 7)In the Transgender, proof of being 21 years and above and Medical Certificate from Medical Officer. |
5 | Whom to apply |
TheDeputyDirector(Social Defence), OldAgePension Section, Department of Women and Child Development, Puducherry. Karaikal: The Child Development Project Officer, Karaikal. Mahe/Yanam: The Welfare Officer, Mahe/ Yanam |
6 | Processing Time | The selection is periodical and depends on the vacancies and on the availability of funds. |
7 | In case of delay whom to contact? |
Puducherry: The Director, Department of Women and Child Development, Sithankudi, Puducherry. Karaikal: The Collector, Karaikal Mahe/Yanam: The Regional Administrator, Mahe/Yanam. |